FOR those games which scrimp on single-player stories, Fallen Order here is the perfect antidote and hopefully a lesson to those which should know better. There's not even a hint of a multiplayer DLC to come with this, and that is to be applauded.

But Fallen Order's uncompromising dedication to the art of the story is nothing without the gameplay to back it up. Thankfully there's a mountain of it here, but make no mistake, it'll chew you up if you're not willing to learn.

Happily for the SW geeks among us, Fallen Order is a worthy inclusion into its canon. Cal is an Order 66 survivor, saved from the Inquisitors who rumble his shoddy attempt to keep a low profile on a planet dedicated to breaking starships. His saviours are Cere and Greez a former Jedi and her wide-mouthed, wise-cracking pilot cohort. Cere's former master has a secret which needs to be found, and Cal's got the skills to find it, all the while adding to his patchy Jedi education.

And these skills will have to be put to good use. Fallen Order can be a disgustingly frustrating experience unless you've mastered what you know. There are precious few respawn points to help out , and if you want to use one to top up your energy levels, all the enemies you've put in the ground rise up and assume their positions. Most of the time, you'll be whipping out the trusty 'block and dodge' technique while you wait for an opening into which Cal can thrust his lightsaber. Fall during battle and you'll lose your XP, forcing a hunt for the opponent who bested you to retrieve it. But for all it'll make you vomit colourful expletives, foes never feel like they're unbeatable, and mastering (and remembering) the Force push and slow-down makes a massive different to Cal's mortality.

The heart of Fallen Order beats between Cal and his relationship with the characters he meets, and none more so than his terribly handy droid chum BD-1, who can open tricky doors, rummage through customisation-heavy boxes and lob vital energy boosts Cal's way.

Fallen Jedi has no time for the stupid gamer, you won't beat it by simply mashing the lightsaber button. And while the puzzles aren't taxing, chasing the story in the company of BD-1 and exploring planets in an expanded Star Wars universe is all any fan can ask for here.