AN OFFICER is appealing for information on the recovery of an abandoned bike. 

The Carerra mountain bike has been seen in the same place for weeks. 

Now, the officer is hoping to track down the owner to reunite them with their bike.

A spokesperson for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary said: “I am posting this image of a bike that has been abandoned in the New Milton area.

“It has been there for several weeks and to date has not been claimed.

“I would not normally post the image however this is an example of a quality bike belonging to I believe a child who is now missing it and a parent who has paid good money for it.

“Please if you know who it belongs to please call 101 and ask for a message to be left for me PCSO Alan 13310 New Milton Police Team leaving a number for me to make contact with you.

“You will need to supply me with a good provenance ie photo/s receipt of sale etc before the decision is made to reunite you with the cycle.”