TODAY’S Daily Echo reports two striking examples of how the public spending cuts are starting to bite.

The first is the case of Dorset Police’s diminishing band of traffic officers – just 34 full-time equivalents now compared with nearly 50 last year.

That is bad news for anyone who believes that technology can never satisfactorily replace traffic officers.

And is is all the more worrying in the light of our recent report on the rise in fatalities on Dorset’s road last year.

The second story concerns the continuing argument about the impending closure of Dorset Enterprises, a factory staffed largely by people with disabilities.

Bournemouth council will save £471,000 a year by shutting it – but the taxpayer could pick up a bigger bill if redundant staff have to remain on benefits for long.

Both these cases concern spending “cuts” which could end up costing the public dear later on.