THE comment which Alan Burridge makes regarding children being ‘taxied’ to school is so boringly frequent during holiday times and so ignorant of today’s way of life.

I do not have school age children but I do know that so many mothers are family breadwinners or otherwise have no choice but to work to support their partners/ husbands to ensure that they can pay vital bills.

Many of these women who take their children to school (whom Mr Burridge criticises) have got up early, completed necessary domestic work, sorted the packed lunches, scouted around to make sure the children have their books/homework/PE kit and letters which are due back.

They have helped them find “lost” items required for school; tested them on their spellings/maths or whichever subject is uppermost that day; and completed numerous last minute tasks.

The mothers have dressed and prepared themselves for a day at work.

They have made sure their children and partners are washed, correctly clothed and have had breakfast before bundling the children in to a car to get them to school before they then hasten off to get themselves to work by a designated time where they work a long day before the routine kicks in in reverse at the end of their working day. I’m sure we would all like a “greener” world and fewer vehicles on the road but in practicality it isn’t always possible, Mr Burridge.

By the way, if you have a vehicle, how frequently do you take it on unnecessary journeys?

P WOODRUFF, West Way, Poole