I was so furious to read that Kelly’s Kitchen are appealing yet again against eviction that I felt I had to write to you (Daily Echo, May 17).

I understand that they are a popular cafe in Christchurch and are well frequented, but there are plenty of empty shops that desperately need to be rented out that will be just as suitable.

They said in the article that the council shouldn’t be wasting valuable funds on extending Christchurch library when the government are now cutting council budgets.

However, it is due to government cuts that schools will no longer receive as much funding as before, so now, more than ever, we need a larger library with better resources to help our young people through this financial crisis.

As a mother of two myself, I feel that an extended, modern library would be a wonderful asset to our town and to our children and it’s about time that Kelly’s Kitchen move out and accept defeat.

They must have known when they rented the property that it was council owned and may one day be reclaimed.

So come on Kelly’s Kitchen give our young people the resources and knowledge that they deserve.

Liz Carter, address supplied, Christchurch