IN RESPONSE to your correspondent’s letter regarding the Pitt Report, (When will planners meet Pitt Points? April 28) senior officers have already put in place mechanisms to minimise the possibility of any unlawful activity.

As part of our ongoing communications strategy we will be having regular meetings with residents’ associations. While, at his request, no changes were made during Sir Michael’s investigation, after annual council in May no permanent member of the planning committee will also be a member of cabinet, thereby clearly demonstrating the separation of the roles of policy from development and delivery.

The matters referred to in the ruling group have been totally resolved. The newly appointed head of planning and regeneration will be conducting a full and comprehen-sive review of the development control process to make any possible improvements in efficiency and service delivery.

While the majority of Sir Michael’s recommendations have been or are being implemented, councillors are unlikely to implement them all, but for very good reason.

For example, at the present time we do not feel it appropriate to seek increased remuneration for planning committee members.

Cllr ANN STRIBLEY, chairman of planning, Borough of Poole