ON WEDNESDAY (13th June 2018) the appeal to the council's refusal of planning permission for the redevelopment of the former ABC cinema in Westover Road took place.

In contrast to the continuing contraction of retail businesses in Bournemouth the cinema industry is actively looking to open a new arts cinema in the town.

The UK cinema box office had a record breaking year in 2017 with £1.38bn spent on cinema tickets across the nation.

Bournemouth should be looking to increase its cinema capacity to counter the woes in retail and increase its slice of the cinematic cake.

The former ABC represents a purpose-built cinema that given a decent refurbishment could be back in operation far quicker than a new build or conversion.

Bournemouth needs cinema choice (like restaurants) and more than ever it needs positive investment in entertainment in the town centre, to remain a top flight resort.


Three Acre Drive, Barton On Sea, New Milton