I GIVE credit where it’s due. Poole Council have acted in a swift and dynamic way for once. Or was it indecent haste?

One day the toilets were there, the next day just a patch of bare earth.

I am referring to the complete disappearance of the public toilets at Constitution Hill. I think Mr Rampton and his cronies have acted swiftly to be in medieval terms “one step ahead of the lynch mob”. Or to use Monty Python vernacular, “what have the council ever done for us?” Certainly not public health.

The council have acted completely irresponsibly and have gone against the wishes of the vast majority of its citizens. They have patronised us with a “we know best” attitude. A clear majority want decent public toilets to stay open, it’s that simple.

They lost the battle of Baiter, they were determined not to lose the battle of Constitution Hill. Let us remember them. Regardless of political affiliation, do not give them a vote at the next election.

JIM O’BRIEN, Cynthia Road, Poole