A strong NO vote in Christchurch’s local referendum is essential to the campaign in Parliament to keep Christchurch as a sovereign and independent council.

The government assured me in December 2015 that it would not abolish any council against the wishes of that council.

In January 2017, Christchurch Borough Council and two of the other district councils in Dorset voted against their own abolition and to keep their independence.

Despite this, Bournemouth and Poole joined in an application to the government to merge and absorb the whole area of Christchurch Borough into a new unitary authority.

On 7th November 2017 the Secretary of State announced that he did not believe that what was proposed had secured ‘local consent’ and gave the opportunity to Christchurch council to put forward an alternative.

Local residents now have the opportunity to put on record that they do not consent to Christchurch being abolished and forced to merge with Bournemouth and Poole.

This will open the way for an alternative which does have ‘local consent’ to be developed.

Christchurch has a long and proud history. It has used its power over local planning to protect the Green Belt and the environment.

It has a strong policy of giving priority to local people in the allocation of social housing. It has kept its council’s finances on a sound footing, remaining debt free and holding its priceless heritage assets in trust for future generations.

With your support for a strong NO vote, the council will be able to keep control over its own destiny and extend this record of achievement far into the future.


House of Commons, London