IN response to your regular correspondent Robert Readman in Monday's Echo (Aug 14), he was appealing for the restoration of the death penalty, which I too would like to happen, but it will never happen. Why?

Before the recent elections I contacted our local MP Conor Burns and put the question to him, if you are restored to power will you consider the restoration of the death penalty.

I received a letter which stated that he is against it and has been for a long time.

He then went on to say that the government is clear that those who commit the most serious crime will receive the most severe sentences which as Mr Readman pointed out is a long stay in prison, life of luxury, all medical problems sorted out. In fact, total heaven.

So the question now comes, what has got to happen before the death penalty is restored?

Throughout the last few weeks there have been some horrific murders and the culprit will receive the luxury stay in prison for a few years and then be released so they can then carry out a greater crime.

I firmly believe the reason why the death penalty will never be restored is because the government is afraid of creating a martyr to a cause if a terrorist is ever executed.

But it should be remembered the death penalty is still carried out around the world, even in some Christian countries.

To back this up I have spoken to several strongly religious people - Christians, Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses - and they all say the same thing. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

So, in concluding, I say to Mr Readman there are thousands of people in this country who strongly support his views but "weak and wet" politicians are frightened of creating a martyr of the executed felon. Just look at some of the sentences handed out in the local courts which appear in the Echo regularly. I sometimes have to sit down before I fall to the floor due to excessive laughing at the pitiful sentence handed out!

Graham Potter

Fletcher Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth