I WOULD like to suggest that your recent correspondents are wrong to put the onus or blame upon Bournemouth council for the problems caused by buses stopping in Gervis Place.

The reality is that bus services are now operated by private companies whose main aim is to make a profit for their shareholders. Providing a service to the public is secondary to that.

This is evidenced by the fact that they are reluctant to spend any money unless it brings them a profit.

An example is their attitude towards bus stations.

Bus stations are expensive to build and maintain so why provide a bus station when they can use the public highway free of charge.

The old bus station in Exeter Road was owned by the National Bus Company (not the council as has been suggested) and they sold it off and made a profit out of it.

Bus companies do not even provide bus shelters but leave that to the local authorities (i.e. council tax payers).

I would also point out that if you or I wish to park in Bournemouth town centre either in a car park or on-street, we have to pay for the privilege whereas Yellow Buses are allowed to park up to 10 buses in Bourne Avenue and Avenue Road without paying a penny.

Other companies are expected to provide the necessary infrastructure they need for their activities and I fail to see why bus companies should be any exception.

I would suggest therefore that the blame for what now happens in Gervis Place and the lack of a bus station is down to the bus companies and their shareholders.

Why should Bournemouth council and ultimately its council taxpayers be expected to sort it out.


Laidlaw Close, Poole

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