MAY I respectfully submit seven New Year Resolutions for Bournemouth council to adopt?

1 Get the Chief Executive to prepare a definitive statement on how much the Surf Reef finally cost and the clear reasons for the overspend.

2 Compliment the Editor of the Bournemouth Echo on the recent publication of the’ Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra from 1893 to the World’ and offer a belated apology to the people of Bournemouth for previous councillors being unable to provide a modern home for the orchestra in the town which bears its name.

3 Get the Chief Executive to give a definitive statement on the rebuild of the abandoned Cliff End Hotel in Boscombe, together with reasons for the long delay.

4 Urge the Local Government Association to examine the arguments supporting fundamental reform of local government finance.

5 Give an estimate of how much revenue has been lost by selling off Yellow Buses.

6 Prepare and publish a list of how many council positions provide salaries over £100,000 a year.

7 Underline the debt owing to Bournemouth’s Victorian ancestors for the legacy of the gardens in the town.

GORDON CANN Craigmoor Avenue, Bournemouth