THE picture featured with recent articles surrounding the possible closure of public toilets shows that of the convenience block on the West Cliff Green.
The toilet block in question has had a long history of drug abuse, antisocial behaviour and persons gaining access to the disability cubicle to sleep overnight.
The other year a person was even found dead in the disability cubicle.
So often problems have been a regular occurrence that the facility could not be used by people with disabilities because it was being occupied by drug users!
At our recent Annual General Meeting of the West Cliff Green Residents’ Association I reported that there were discussions with the council officers in respect of this particular block possibly being converted to incorporate a food outlet, especially during the summer months and for the Air Show.
This was met with support from local residents and hoteliers who recognise the need for something to be done at a toilet block which has until now in recent years been a problem to the local community.
Progressive planning, which Councillor Filer and his colleagues suggest, is something which is necessary for the future and something which would certainly be welcomed at the toilet block on the West Cliff Green.
Chairman, West Cliff Green Residents’ Association,
Durley Gardens, Bournemouth