I HAVE just returned from holiday at Bournemouth. One factor that makes the town attractive is the excellent bus services. The drivers do a great job under sometimes very trying circumstances.

The routes between Bournemouth and Poole may well be among the most trying.

For a start, the road layouts have obviously evolved to no particular plan and make journeys more complicated than necessary.

Add to that haphazard parking, often on both sides of a road which is a two-way bus route, and more traffic than the roads were designed for, and bus driving becomes difficult.

Would that were all though. I often sat at the front upstairs and could view the inconsiderate and sometimes downright dangerous behaviour of many private motorists. Yet despite cars constantly cutting in impatiently and even driving across in front, the bus drivers remained calm and gave way to avoid accidents. I doubt that much can be done without great expense to rationalize road layouts, but it should be possible to prohibit parking that prevents the free flow of traffic.

As to those car drivers whose impatience leads to risk taking, cameras on buses might be some deterrent. In the meantime, the bus drivers deserve our appreciation for doing a difficult job well and without fuss.

MICHAEL HUBER Lindford, Borden