I NOTE from an article in the Daily Echo (May 26) that Poole council has spent £10,000 on a video conferencing suite.

This seems rather a grand title for one small room, which holds a table and eight chairs.

However, the head of ICT and customer services at Poole council is quoted saying that the benefits to be gained from this room include saving travelling costs, cutting carbon emissions, and the fact it can also be used for demonstrations, meetings and as an open office space.

The same article also mentions council plans to spend £40,000 on a new mayoral limousine.

Now, here is a thought: Some of those benefits could apply to our much-missed mobile library service and, with a few design adjustments, the library vehicle could be used for mayoral visits and so become a multi-purpose vehicle.

I know, I know, a silly idea.

Almost as silly as spending £10,000 on a room and £40,000 on a car when vital services are at risk.

Who on earth would do that when funds are in short supply?


Wallisdown Road, Poole

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