I THINK it should be pointed out to Mr Hoodless, with regard to his letter in the Echo on Tuesday July 21, “Jobs figures are shaky”, that creating employment is not the actual objective of the wind farm.

The point of the wind farm is to harness wind mass (free wind) moving across our coasts to generate clean, sustainable, low carbon energy.

That is the point of the wind farm within government energy policy, to shift from ancient fossil fuel mass polluting power stations to modern clean wind power sources.

All else, such as employment and contracts, is secondary. It all helps on the point of benefits but the actual figures do not determine if the wind farm will go ahead.

That is to be decided on environmental impact and nothing else. So no amount of denigration of the project on matters of jobs, or foreign companies, or national energy policy, or subsidies, will make a scrap of difference to government decision.

Objectors have thrown everything they can at this project, high time now I think they accept that wind power has within itself huge benefits.

Turbines do not mass pollute and given half a chance the UK can continue to lead the world in this brilliant technology.

And with national and international success and reputation, for all we know the next world offshore conference will be held in Bournemouth.

Hotels full and the majority wondering why so many spent so much energy condemning the project.


Portalington Road, Westbourne