I AM appalled, but not really surprised, at the number of serious accidents on our roads this year.

I receive daily updates on the location of hand-held speed cameras and camera vans in our area and have compared them with the location of serious accidents throughout Dorset. My research indicates that, instead of deploying these cameras at accident black spots, they are invariably placed on relatively safe roads with artificially low speed limits where there are rich pickings to be had.

I cannot help feeling that these cameras do nothing to improve road safety, but provide a steady stream of income into the coffers of the lucrative Speed Awareness Courses.

It is claimed that these courses are designed to turn people into safer drivers, in which case why do insurance companies increase the premiums of participants instead of reducing them?

We are constantly informed that the police force is grossly undermanned and that resources are stretched to the limit but as they appear to have an endless supply of officers available for this type of operation I find it difficult to have any sympathy for their plight.

I am by no means anti-police and feel that the majority of officers do an excellent job under difficult circumstances and am equally certain that they would prefer proper policing to hiding behind trees with speed cameras.

Graham Cribb

Branksome Wood, Road Bournemouth