I am surprised that Christchurch council is resurrecting the Barr Gazetas proposals to ‘transform’ Christchurch town centre.

The High Street does not need a decorative makeover, especially one that fails to be firmly based on vital road infrastructure and traffic flow.

Over £50,000 has been spent on consultants’ fees alone and my view is that this is a waste of tax payers’ money. Christchurch requires no transformation: it is fine exactly as it is.

Over the years I have introduced many friends and family on first visits to Christchurch and, without exception, they have all been greatly impressed by what is already here.

So Christchurch can save money on unnecessary ‘transformation’. However, Christchurch councillors and Dorset county councillors should not be ducking their responsibility to help provide good public transport for residents and visitors.

The current cuts to the important Morebus X1 and X2 Lymington to Bournemouth buses have led to the axing of services on Sundays and public holidays and have left areas such as Walkford with only one bus every two hours on weekday afternoons in the term time. This is completely unacceptable.

If over £50,000 can be frittered away on unnecessary and unworkable town centre transformations, then there is clearly sufficient cash for Christchurch to contribute more funding for the vital X1 and X2 bus services.

Geoff Bantock, Rowan Drive, Christchurch