MILLIONS of pounds have been spent here in Dorset, either expanding local primary schools or building brand new ones.

It is a pity, in the light of this government’s ruling of ‘hot nutritious lunches for all’, that the powers that be did not have some foresight and include kitchens.

Children being fed meals delivered from the back of a van will learn only that pre-cooked and takeway meals are okay.

The policy designed to combat poor nutrition/obesity will fail unless the children learn something of the ingredients and preparation of food.

If food was cooked on site, lessons could focus on the meal of the day, looking at recipes, exploring and tasting ingredients, even growing some vegetables and herbs on site.

Small groups of children could visit the kitchen at a time and festivals could be discussed and celebrated with special foods.

Then just to tackle another serious health problem for our children – childhood tooth decay – everyone, grown-ups included, could participate in a mass teeth cleaning session.

Every lunchtime of every day for every term. That would really have an effect.

Locarno Road, Swanage