I REFER to the report in the Echo (March 21) and the quote from Cllr Coope, “As ward councillors we have been consulted on this, we have kept residents updated and everyone seemed happy with it”.

As yet I have not met anyone who was told, or had heard, that the Noddy train was going out of private enterprise until it was reported in the Echo. There may be a handful of Hengistbury residents who may have been told at one of their monthly meetings but I have my doubts. News travels fast round the Head and there have been no rumours or indications that this was happening. The East Southbourne councillors have not kept the residents informed.

This sort of enterprise should not been run by the council, it is a good business run by a private company.

A Tory council might be taking back a small business venture which works really well into public ownership, seems like a backward step.

MRS L A Crouch, Nugent Road, Bournemouth