UNFORTUNATELY, Cllr Mike Brooke is falling further and further behind the curve (‘I went on turbine tour’, Letters September 12).

While he was on his wind turbine pilgrimage, genuflecting at the altar of renewable energy, the European Union high priests of Wind Orthodoxy were holding their Sanhedrin on the shores of Lake Como. They certainly know how to party at our expense.

The EU Commissioner Antonio Tajani, high priest for industry, told his congregation: “We face a systematic industrial massacre,” warning that America’s shale gas revolution had cut gas prices in the USA by 80 per cent.

“I am in favour of a green agenda,” he said, “but we can’t be religious about this. We have to stop pretending, because we can’t sacrifice Europe’s industry for climate goals that are not realistic, and are not being enforced worldwide.”

This is a dawn of enlightenment that Cllr Brooke, his Lib Dems and various greenie lobbyist friends should note. Wind energy is not only ruinously expensive, it does not work for average 76 per cent of the year.

On the two coldest days last winter, the UK’s 4,500 windmills produced 0.2 and 0.1 giggawatts out of a requirement for 54 to 60 giggawatts. Renewables can never replace coal and gas generation.

When even the dyed-in-the-wool green zealots of Brussels are waking up to practical realities, what is he doing urging people into jobs in an unsustainable wind industry where all the spending and profits go abroad and which, so far, have cost over £100,000 each?

He might as well pay young unemployed to go round breaking windows in the hope that this would stimulate the economy by creating jobs for glass manufacturers. Poole needs jobs that add value to the economy, not destroy it.

How can councillors with such a cavalier and dismissive attitude for “value for money” be trusted with spending the council taxes entrusted to them by Poole residents?

CLLR TONY WOODCOCK, c/o Civic Centre, Poole