HAVE you seen the state of St Catherine’s Hill?

This year the top has become a criss cross of widened, compressed, barren pathways where it seems the criteria is can the powers-that-be drive and drag very large tractors and trailers around ‘the site’.

Along with mature pine trees, much of nature’s undergrowth defences also got the chop, ‘opening up’ lots of new areas for people to tramp and bikes to erode. Last year’s litter of bright red ‘No Cycling’ signs are ineffective, ignored or defaced.

With more people than ever walking and cycling here, can nature possibly recover?

A year or so ago the powers-that-be told us that they viewed the work as positive, that there was an increase in bird life and that there are new saplings growing. Do they mean the hundreds and hundreds of pine seedlings and saplings now crowding the east slopes?

This systematic yearly destruction needs a rethink.


Apple Grove, Christchurch

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