‘WE should have a tropical bar on the end of Boscombe Pier,’ a traders’ leader suggests.

Angus Reid said the pier currently closes at dusk to prevent vandalism but a ‘Tiki Bar’ would be an ideal attraction.

He said several contacts in the area’s business community were interested in taking it up.

“A Tiki bar has palm trees and sells cocktails and has a chilled atmosphere,” said Mr Reid, head of Boscombe Traders Association.

“I’m sure it would be popular and something a bit different. Everyone in Boscombe I have spoken to thinks it’s a fantastic idea. They can easily be taken down during the winter.”

He spoke out after the Echo reported an appeal by the National Piers Society. It urged people to ‘use or lose’ end of pier attractions like theatres.

Boscombe’s 750ft-long pier was reopened in 2008 after a £2.4 million rebuild. The only attraction at the moment is a shop and diner at the entrance.

Mr Reid said: “There’s just a big flat, empty space at the end.

“The new bars around the pier have wooden decking, canopies, heaters – a Tiki bar would be similar.

“You could sit watching the sunset over the Purbeck hills, which is one of the most amazing sights we have.”

Mark Smith, the council’s head of tourism said: “The Boscombe Pier area has recently received significant investment as a key part of the Boscombe Spa Village improvements.

“Suggestions for further improvements to attractions at Boscombe Pier are always welcome although the efficient delivery of the Seafront Asset Plan requires that a number of other areas along the seafront are now given attention to meet customer expectations.”