DO not allow Milford seafront to be turned into Las Vegas.

That’s the call from objectors to plans for more than 60 lights at a recently rebuilt restaurant adjoining the Sturt Pond Local Nature Reserve.

A dozen residents and Milford Parish Council are opposing restaurateur Richard Thompson's plans to illuminate the Marine Café, located at the western end of the shinglebank in Hurst Road.

In addition to asking for permission for the lighting scheme, which involves 54 steel and toughened glass part-cowled ground lights plus 10 wall lights, Mr Thompson wants to install gates, security cameras, an awning and provide two disabled parking bays.

The objectors are all objecting to the lighting element of the scheme, which is partly in place.

Warwick and Pamela Stevens summed up the complaints when they emailed New Forest District Council’s planning department saying “We object most strongly to the current application”.

They went on to say: “Milford-on-Sea is not Las Vegas and the boundary of a Site of Special Scientific Interest cannot be the right place to have so many very bright LED lights.

“It is to be hoped the planning officers/planning committee will request Mr Thompson to find a more sensitive solution to lighting.”

An Island View Close resident claimed the lights would be like a “giant Christmas tree” and would “cause serious light pollution to a currently unspoilt area adjacent to a SSSI, bird side and nature reserve”.

“As a near neighbour, I am concerned that such density of lighting will affect my current ability to enjoy the night sky in all its glory,” she said.

New Forest National Park Authority is also opposing the lights, though Natural England says the lighting will not harm the nature reserve and council's environmental health officers say neighbours will not be affected.

Mr Thompson's planning agent RB Studio Ltd of Poole, says the lighting is functional, will enhance the architecture and is set at a low level in paving.

Council planning officers are recommending the application be granted by planning development committee members on Wednesday (October 13).