FEUDALISM may have disappeared in this country long, long ago but significant traces remain in Bournemouth.

I refer to your report (July 9) ‘ Anger over long delays’ and the frustration felt by residents (and others further afield) in neighbouring Keverstone Court over the delay in demolishing the eyesore that is the Cliff End Hotel in Manor Road and its final rebuild.

Sixteen years have passed since this hotel was abandoned, since then it has been used for fly-tipping, squatting and general vandalism – what a commentary on the present Conservative-controlled council that still there is no clear idea when the site will be cleared and a new development proceeded with.

No wonder the Meyrick Estate “declined to comment”.

The present Bournemouth planning board should be sacked and replaced by councillors aware of the totally unsatisfactory nature of this situation, and compulsory powers used to get a speedy redevelopment.

Ironically in the same edition, in your report (page 11) you report the concerns of Throop residents regarding proposals to redevelop Hicks Farm .

It is anyone’s guess which concern will be dealt with first – the Cliff End Hotel site or Hicks Farm. I suspect the latter.

Gordon Cann

Craigmoor Avenue, Bournemouth