I AM not surprised to read that what appears to be part of the surf reef was washed ashore on Boscombe Beach recently.

In 2003 when I was chair of Boscombe First Residents Association I warned the council to heed coastal expert H R Wallingford's report, which categorically stated that the reef would have its many faults, including the possibility that the geo-textile sand filled bags could be damaged.

Well, this was experienced some time ago and the cost of those repairs at that time would be approximately £150k.

The council ignored these warnings. The original estimate was £750k. The actual cost was £3m. What a waste of local taxpayers' money.

Incidentally, Bournemouth East MP Tobias Elwood and I gave a presentation to the full council supporting the idea of a marina for the seafront.

Unfortunately, this was rejected. Since then, over 50 hotels have been lost to the area. If those in office had only listened, Boscombe would have been a very vibrant district of the town.


Belle Vue Road, Southbourne, Bournemouth