I FIND it strange that Cllr Greene is accusing Cllr Eades of scaremongering.

If council tax payers of both Bournemouth and Poole look at the figures they will see that Cllr Eades is only telling the truth.

It is a fact that the council tax for a Band D property in Christchurch is 15% higher than in Poole and it is a fact that both Poole and Bournemouth council tax will have to be raised to that same level.

It is a fact the figures in the original submission were calculated over a 20-year period for the harmonisation of the tax, that has now been reduced to 10 years and even that period may be further reduced as one or two years is regarded as the norm by the Government.

These changes and the delays that have occurred have had an impact on the figures of the supposed savings that would be made and on the estimated original £25 million cost of implementation.

Poole and Bournemouth residents will face considerable increases in their council tax if the merger goes ahead. Why are those in charge not telling their residents?

Unlike Christchurch that has had several public meetings, very well attended by residents to discuss these issues and be informed, it is very surprising that none appear to have taken place in Poole or Bournemouth. Those pushing this merger or takeover, whatever you wish to call it, do not seem to want the residents and tax payer to be informed as to the possible consequences of what is being done in their name. It is perhaps significant that when the consultants started this process they advised the local authorities not to have any public meetings. Fortunately in Christchurch we have some very active residents’ associations who took it upon themselves to organise them.


Leader of the Independent Group, Christchurch Borough Council