Could you go vegetarian or vegan for a month?

Carnivores across Christchurch are being invited to adopt a meat-free or animal-free lifestyle for 30 days.

The challenge runs from October 16 to November 14 and is being set by Bournemouth University’s Reducetarian Society.

A spokesperson said: “The purpose of creating such an event is to provide an opportunity for those interested in changing their eating patterns to vegetarian or vegan. We are aiming to encourage a greater number of people to begin these diets for the benefits it has on animal cruelty, environmental and human welfare, as well as nutritional benefits.

“For some of you it may be to finally start a lifestyle into these eating habits, while for others it may be a long time curiosity. Whatever the reason, you will be supported in many ways with individual support from current local vegetarians and vegans.”

Those interested are invited to sign up to the Facebook group at