I AM a ‘Remoaner’ and proud of it.

Recent letters have been woefully ignorant or misguided on both the nature of ‘Remoaning’ and the fundamentals of democracy.

Democracy not only means we elect our government, we are then beholden to hold them to task.

They are held accountable for their decisions in a free and open society.

Leavers say the ‘Remoaners’ should shut up and accept the democratic will of the people.

Is that what democracy is?

‘Shut up and accept it’. Is that the level of democracy we enjoy? We appear to be heading for a dictat, allegedly in order to escape from dictatorship.

Moan is defined as the sound issued when in anguish, pain or passion. Foregoing the latter, the former both have roots in our experience to date. The pound is devalued across the board, “it will recover they cry”.. it hasn’t. Inflation is up.. ‘it will come down’ they stutter.. it hasn’t.

Exports are up, they are cheap; imports are down, they are expensive.

Recruitment is down, ‘we will train and grow our own’ they cheap (sorry cheep), but our own are going to Europe.

We are in control of our borders except those with Ireland and Spain, we forgot to mention those and they didn’t all have a vote anyhow. Theresa May didn’t call an election because of pressure from the Remain side. She spotted a gap and decided to gain from it. She lost ..she lost a majority, she lost credibility and most of all she lost the right to lead the country.

This venture has now been described by the Sunday Times (June 14), as being led by political pygmies and damaged leadership.

I now find myself on the side of Michael Heseltine, John Major, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Paddy Ashdown and Ken Clarke.

I will remain a ‘Remoaner’ and am proud to say it. We don’t need to derail the process, it is running out of track already.


Meadow Close, Christchurch

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