FUNDING the National Health Service is obviously a major political issue.

Many argue that it is underfunded and struggling to keep up with demand for its services, which is certainly true. Both major parties say they have increased spending in real terms year on year and continue to ring fence more money for the NHS.

There is also plenty of evidence that the public would welcome an increase in NHS spending even if it leads to higher taxes.

But would it solve the national health crisis? I don’t think so, and there are many reasons.

Here are just three:

1. Modern life is inherently unhealthy. We have created a world in which depression, anxiety, stress, tiredness and worry are woven into everyday life. Good food, revitalising exercise, adequate sleep and fresh air are luxuries for many. Every year, as the pace of life speeds up, more people go under. This is a major reason why demand on the NHS is spiralling.

2. Environmental influences. In addition to hazards such as air pollution, city life comes with an all pervasive electronic ‘smog’ of high frequency electromagnetic (EMF) pollution which eats away at every cell in the body. You can eat, exercise, have a positive attitude and relax, but if you live in a toxic environment this will override everything else.

3. Lack of personal responsibility. The NHS should really be called the National Ill-Health Service since it gives precious little attention to preventative measures that would stop us getting ill in the first place. The accessibility of the NHS has fostered an attitude among some that they can abuse their bodies as much as they like, believing that the NHS will rescue them from their fate. Only when everyone takes full responsibility for their health will we start to tackle the health crisis.

Without tackling these issues, demand will continue to exceed supply. Throwing money at it is no way to solve the health crisis.


St Winifreds Road, Bournemouth

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