WORK to decide the future of the Bournemouth balloon site will begin this summer.

A meeting of the Lower Central Gardens Trust board, which manages the area, is due to receive an update on progress on Wednesday.

Ideas floated as a replacement for the iconic balloon include a giant Ferris wheel, similar to the Big Wheel attraction which has visited several locations in the town over the past year, and has proven a hit with residents and tourists.

However, a report to the board says "no firm plans" have been developed yet.

"Initial advice will be sought from Historic England and planners on permissible and acceptable use of the space," the report says.

"There are no firm plans for any permanent use of this area. Any views from trustees would be welcome at this point."

Work to remove the remaining balloon-related infrastructure from the gardens is almost complete, and the council plans to begin turfing the area this week, weather permitting. The electrical supply to the site will be retained for future events.

The council is also to design a replacement for the balloon kiosk at the northern end of the gardens, as the existing kiosk is owned by balloon operator S&D Leisure and "is likely to be removed when the contract expires" in October.

Further, the authority is planning a replacement toilet block at the same time as the new kiosk work takes place.