I NORMALLY think that the Echo is an extremely high quality local newspaper. However, I was shocked at the recent article relating to final demands for council tax having been sent to named local councillors.

So what if they received a final demand? I very much doubt whether there are many people who haven’t received a final demand for a bill at some point in their life.

Is the Echo adopting an elitist attitude and suggesting only people who are financially well off should be councillors? I don’t think this is something any of us would welcome. I think that the fact they may have been in temporary financial difficulties actually makes them better able to understand and empathise with their constituents.

I have met both of the councillors mentioned and in my view they are two of the hardest working and most dedicated that there are and it’s unnecessary and unfair to try and shame them in this way.

On a slightly lighter note, I read with some amusement the letter from the Lib Dem gentleman on the subject and in particular his comment about not using this for short term political gain – yeah right, I believe you – just like I believe in Father Christmas, fairies and little green men!

NANCY CURTIS Sea Road, Boscombe

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