MOREBUS is boosting Bournemouth’s car club by offering free membership to its card-carrying passengers.

The social enterprise Co-wheels aims to cut car use by offering free, bookable cars at key points around the town.

Morebus key card holders will not have to pay the £25 joining fee and will be given credit to try out the scheme for free.

Morebus communications manager Nikki Honer said: “We all know the advantages of ditching private cars because taking the bus, train or walking are all cheaper and better for you. But there are times when travelling by car is necessary – and we understand that.

“These are community cars, conveniently parked in dedicated bays right across Bournemouth 24/7 – all the way from Westbourne to Southbourne. And our new partnership with Co-wheels allows Morebus key card holders to join the pay-as-you-go car club scheme for nothing. They will even receive credit to try out the scheme for free.

“I’m looking forward to seeing more people than ever join up their journeys by taking the bus and then having the opportunity to jump in a car for a special trip if they need to.

“This is a chance for our customers to do their big supermarket shops – or take the family further afield for the day without actually having to use their own car. And that can only be a good thing for the environment.”

Co-wheels now operates in 50 towns and cities and has been operating in Bournemouth for more than a year.

Co-wheels director Richard Falconer said: “Bournemouth is a strategic location for our community car club development, and we are very pleased to be working with Morebus to help raise awareness of the range of more sustainable transport options available in the area.”

Alex Elliott, the club’s local development co-ordinator in Dorset, said: “Co-wheels and Morebus are on the same page when it comes to helping people travel freely without the hassle and expense of car ownership, so working together can only be good for everybody involved – especially the travelling public.”