SIR, Why do taxi drivers think they are above the law? Is it because they know the police are too scared to do anything about their bad manners and they get away with so much parking in places they should not.

What is it about St Catherines Vale, Wylds Lane? The taxi's park in other peoples places in a big line so no one can get in. These people don't own this town as much as they would like to. Someone I know tried to park outside their house but there were too many taxis, so he parked a few inches over the yellow line. The next morning he had a parking ticket. When he phoned the council to explain no one was willing to talk about it.

These taxi drivers are a law unto themselves. There is no one who people can go to to stop this getting more congested.

Come on lets have something done about it. No more licences in Worcester please for taxis.