Sir – As a young professional living in Oxford, I was dismayed to read the attitude these political leaders are taking to increasing the supply of housing.

The average house in Oxford costs over ten times the UK median wage, which leaves buying our own home an impossible dream for many in my position.
I am an active member of PricedOut, a campaign for affordable house prices, and Oxford is undoubtedly one of the most expensive cities in the UK for those looking to buy.

David Cameron said (in his 2012 Conservative Party Conference address): “And then there are those who say ‘yes of course we need more housing’ but ‘no’ to every development  and not in my backyard. Look — it’s OK for my generation. Many of us have got on the ladder.

“But you know the average age that someone buys their first home today, without any help for their parents — 33 years old. We are the party of home ownership, we cannot let this carry on.”

Perhaps he should remind his colleagues of that. The vast majority of under-30s I know couldn’t agree more.
David North, Jericho, Oxford