EAST Dorset charities and ‘not for profit’ organisations are being urged to apply to the district council for funding by January 31.

Funding is available for both revenue and capital projects under the council’s Community Grants programme.

Organisations applying for funding must either be based in the district, or offer services to East Dorset residents.

Applications which address the council’s five key priorities will be given priority, and these are:

  • Provide communities with opportunities to take greater involvement in running public services
  • Improve opportunities for young people to live healthy and successful lives
  • Work with partners to ensure crime levels in 2016 do not exceed 2011 levels 
  • Improve life changes for vulnerable people
  • Deliver improvements for health and wellbeing

The maximum for capital grants is £10,000, and for revenue the awards are in the range of £500 to £5,000. Visit dorsetforyou.com/387693 for information.