PLANS have been submitted to demolish two large properties and replace them with 12 'back-to-back houses' in West Parley.

The outline application for 22 and 24 Dudsbury Road seeks to build two two-storey blocks which would each take the form of six townhouses.

The proposals show that in each block three of the dwellings would face onto the front garden, while the other three would face the rear garden.

The application is only attempting to gain approval for the access, layout and scale of the development, with matters regarding appearance and landscaping reserved for future applications.

The site is located in New Road Special Character Area, which features a series of development criteria.

A statement submitted on behalf of applicants AJ Developments says the proposal would "integrate satisfactorily with the sylvan character and traditional appearance of the street scene and New Road Special Character Area, whilst protecting against harm to the amenities of neighbouring properties and highway safety".

The statement adds: "Whilst appearance is a reserved matter, the indicative elevations show that a proposal can be brought that is of a traditional form that well-articulated and in keeping with the character of the area.

"The use of balconies, external timber detailing and sash windows would add interest to the external appearance of the development."

The application is above the 10-unit threshold set by East Dorset District Council meaning affordable housing contributions will be sought.

However, the planning statement says the high land value of the site, teamed with the proposed build costs mean providing affordable housing is likely to make the development unviable.

In line with local and national policy, a full viability appraisal has been submitted alongside the application to support this position on affordable housing.