Lamp posts have feelings too. Or at least, they might, if only we got to know them a bit better. If you could talk to a lamp post, what might you expect it to say? Or what about a post box? Or a park bench?

Perhaps they might complain about the weather – well, they’re out in it all the time. Perhaps they might have something interesting to tell you about where you live too, after seeing the landscape day in, day out for all those years.

To find out for sure what their thoughts are though, head to Bristol this summer, when everything from lamp posts to drain covers to bus stops will come to life over the internet.

Passers-by will be able to send a text message with the code number they find attached to an object, then the objects will reply with thoughts of their own. They might tell a joke, or reveal a snippet of information. They might even point you towards another talking object.

As more people join in, the street objects can start acting as message relay points. If you wake one up with a text, it might offer you the chance to leave a message for the next person who comes along and strikes up conversation.

The project is called Hello Lamp Post and you can find out more information about it at You don’t need a smartphone to take part, just a phone that can handle text messages. It runs from July 15 until September 8, and it’s free to take part (although you still pay for the text messages you send).