IN 2012, there was a point when everyone seemed to be talking about the 5:2 diet.

For the uninitiated, it is more of an eating plan than a diet, it simply involves two ‘fasting’ days a week, when your calorie intake needs to be a maximum of 500 for women or 600 for men, and five blissfully normal definitely-not-on-a-diet days.

Three years on and the New Year bookshelves are still groaning under the weight of new titles; Kate Harrison’s 5:2 Good Food Kitchen, for one. And that’s because it works.

She says: “From the first day I did it, I realised it was the easiest approach to controlling my weight I’d ever tried,” notes Harrison. “I lost 31lbs, gained energy, confidence and a complete loss of guilt about food. And it inspired me to write four books.”

Now, I’m not much of a calorie counter. Weight Watchers put paid to that about 15 years ago, when I found myself totting up how many ‘points’ my enviably slim and non-dieting lunch date was consuming, while staring miserably at my Crispbreads.

But working out the tastiest way to consume just 500 calories – and sticking to it by telling myself I can eat whatever I want tomorrow – is something I can just about manage, especially if it’s only for two days out of seven.

“On a weekly basis, you’re slashing at least 3,000 calories from what you’d normally eat, which is equal to a pound of real weight loss – not water loss,” says diet and fitness expert Laura Williams ( “It’s a simple question of sums and creating deficits.”

I’m only on week two, but am happy to keep it up – and losing 2.5lbs in seven days has certainly spurred me on.

I would recommend avoiding ‘virtually calorie-free’ (and also completely tasteless) noodles, and discovering low-calorie foods you don’t dislike.

A massive salad hits all the right notes, Marks & Spencer’s mini hot cross buns are a perfect 100-calorie fix and there’s an array of low-cal ready meals on the market that are a lot more tasty than you think – and make it easy to keep fasting, even when you’re too busy to cook.

Here are her top tips to keep you on track, plus a delicious recipe overleaf to inspire your fasting days this month...


  • Choose the right Fast Days – and mark them in your diary! You want a day when you’re busy, but not under too much pressure.
  • Plan your meals and shop ahead.
  • Focus on flavour and freshness. Aim for seasonal ingredients – salads and berries in summer, hearty soups in winter.
  • Making your own is quicker than you’d think and you can freeze portions to cut time in the kitchen on a Fast Day.
  • Spice up your 5:2 life with chillis, spices and strong flavours. Chilli flakes, curry powder, garlic, fresh lemon juice and balsamic vinegar are always to hand for me.
  • Drink up. Often when we think we’re hungry, we’re actually thirsty. So drink lots of water, black coffee or tea – if you add milk, count the calories.
  • Distract yourself. Hunger tends to come in waves, so have a brew or phone a pal and you’ll forget all about it.
  • Join the Facebook group ( – there are members there around the clock, ready to spur you on.
  • Write down what you eat on a Fast Day – and how you feel – to help you discover what works best for you.
  • Weigh yourself no more than once a week, or less, at the same time of day. Our weight fluctuates so much that you don’t want to get disheartened by weighing daily. Look for other positive signs too – like a pair of jeans that are tight before you start, but may well show losses sooner than the scales do.
  • Enjoy a balanced diet – and treats – on your non-fasting days. When you’re not fasting, you can eat normally, up to around 2,000 calories for women and 2,400 for men.

For more tips, visit