Kratos has never been one for pleasantries, and God of War III illustrates this perfectly. Innocent girl wants your help to save her soul?

"Not my problem."

Please rescue my daughter, Hephaestos pleads.

"Get stuffed," Kratos replies less succinctly than I've put.

Angry, angry god-slayer.

So this PS3 classic has been polished up and pushed out on the PS4. What's new? Well it's a smidge prettier and... not much else really. Which is fine if you've never played the PS3 version. Perhaps you went all Xbox 360 for a while after Sony were left at the altar at last-gen launch. If so, you've got a lot of catching up to do, and the God of War series is a perfect place to start (right after Uncharted, naturally).

All you need to know is Kratos is a lovely fan of killing, and not just gods and titans, he'll go after your gran with bread knife given half the chance.

Gory doesn't even begin to describe GoWIII, with its no-detail-spared close-ups of Mr Grumpy ejecting a cyclops' eye and ripping off the head of Helios for occasional use as a torch. You can't say he's not resourceful; he'd make a splendid Cub Scout.

Although most of the massive foes have been given a spruce-up, the game's PS3 origins are betrayed in much of the background detail, but hopefully you'll be far too busy pulling the innards from Greek deities to notice or care.

This kind of quality transcends console generations with ease.