Subtlety was never a word attributed to Shadow Warrior when it launched in a haze of bloody hilarity in 1997.

This reboot retains everything that made the original such a hoot, namely over-the-top violence and the lead character's inflated sense of his own importance. This is its debut on console, and it's about jolly time.

The plot goes something along the lines of: criminal dogsbody Lo Wang is instructed to buy magical sword, gets his bum smacked by other-worldly beings and is possessed by a wise-cracking demon on the way to finding out what in blue blazes is going on.

On a technical level, Shadow Warrior isn't pushing any envelopes. It's a first-person shooter with a bunch of weapons, upgrades and bonus bits shoved into some linear levels.

And it helps if you were familiar with Lo Wang's plight in the original 1997 affair. Nostalgia makes for a forgiving gamer.

But the script is so utterly juvenile and limb-strewn violence splendidly silly that you'll have a tough time not enjoying yourself.

Shadow Warrior never takes itself seriously, and you shouldn't either. Kick back and enjoy the genitalia jokes.

Out on PC, Xbox One, PS4