A developer is applying for permission to demolish one house and replace it with four detached houses instead.

MDM Development is asking for permission to demolish a Victorian house in Ledgard Close in Poole and replace it with four three storey three bedroom homes.

The existing building has been divided into four flats, but the developer says the cost of maintaining the building and a ‘poor quality conversion’ means it is ‘reaching the end of its economic viability’.

Instead they want to replace it with ‘a development that enhances the character and the appearance of the area, makes best use of the site, and to provide high quality living accommodation for future occupants.’ Developers have been trying to gain permission to build on the site since 2008, and planning permission already exists to demolish the existing building and replace it with two detached houses and two semi-detached houses.

But neighbours have concerns about construction traffic using Ledgard Close, which is an unmade road.

And in a report for the planning officers at Borough of Poole, Natural England says that the development should only be allowed once a bat mitigtation licence has been applied for and approved.

The report says: “Natural England advises the proposals as presented have the potential to affect species protected under European or UK legislation.

“The Ecology Report submitted 10th October 2016 observes that the building due for demolition is a confirmed summer roost for common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) and serotine (Eptesicus serotinus) bats.

“The report incorrectly states that no licence from Natural England will be required to facilitate the proposals. Demolition of this confirmed bat roost can only be carried out once a Bat Mitigation Licence has been applied for and granted by Natural England.”

The application is expected to be dealt with under delegated powers.