IT IS regrettable that the Bournemouth Echo continues to give space and publicity to the misleading comments of Tobias Ellwood MP regarding the sale of Wessex Fields.

This issue has already been examined in detail by the Overview & Scrutiny Board. As someone who has been criticised for asking difficult questions about value for money I feel I can say that there seems little to be gained by further internal review.

Regrettably is does not seem enough for some people for the Council to say that everything has been done properly but we can’t allow inferences of impropriety to continue and this should now be looked at thoroughly by someone else.

I have therefore asked the BCP Chief Executive to arrange an independent examination by an external body in order that we can give the public some reassurance that everything has been done correctly. I detest fake news so let’s at least try to be honest and open. Surely that can’t be too much to ask.

Cllr Patrick Canavan

Labour group leader

BCP Council