MODELS of aeroplanes and gliders used on D-Day are to be shown in a commemorative exhibition in Blandford. 

Blandford Commemoration Group have announced it will hold an exhibition to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in the pavilion of the Woodhouse Gardens.

The exhibition will display model displays of aircraft and gliders that left Tarrant Rushton Airfield on June 5, to aid the operation. 

A spokesperson for BCG said: "At this time 80 years ago the whole of the south of England was in Lockdown as troops were confined to barracks and movement restricted around the countryside as the Allies prepared for the biggest military invasion by sea that the world had ever seen.

"It is part of the model display of the gliders and the Normandy Landing Beaches being shown as a celebration of the brave men and machines who took part in this pivotal event in world history.

"See the photos, models and maps which tell the story of the momentous few days and refresh yourself with tea and bacon butties at the Khaki Kanteen or buy a raffle ticket and win a model kit of a tank.

The exhibition is free and is open from June 6 to June 8.