A POOLE school has maintained its good rating in the latest Ofsted report.

Ofsted visited Poole Grammar School at the end of March 2024.

The school maintains its good overall rating after an ungraded (section 8) inspection.

However, Ofsted said the evidence gathered suggests it could achieve an outstanding rating if graded (section 5). The next inspection will be graded.

Dr Amanda Smith, the school's headteacher since 2020, is 'delighted' by the report's outcome.

She said: "We are incredibly proud of our whole school community. We work tirelessly to provide the best possible education for our students, and we are thrilled that Ofsted recognises this."

The report highlighted the 'broad and ambitious curriculum' offered, enabling pupils to 'talk confidently about their learning … and achieve highly in external exams'.

It specifically praises the school's approach to academic reading and literacy, identifying that 'students read widely about subjects through academic journals and texts. [They] relish this challenge and are well prepared for higher education'.

The school was commended for its approach to supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. It 'provides the personalised support pupils need to improve or maintain their attendance and engage with education'.

Preparing pupils for life in modern Britain was identified as a strength of the school. The pastoral programme 'provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to prepare for independent adult living.'

Careers education was seen as a further strength, saying that 'pupils develop transferable employment skills through the curriculum and enrichment activities' and 'supports individuals in reaching their ambitious goals for employment or future study.'

Dr Power, chair of governors, said: "This exceptionally strong report is the public affirmation that so much has been achieved by the school on so many fronts, academic and pastoral, to improve the education and future opportunities for all our students.

"On behalf of the governing board, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Dr Smith and all her team, teaching and non-teaching, who have worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome, not forgetting the hard work of the students and the support of their parents and carers."