POOLE High Street is continuing to perk up following Kingland Crescent's attraction of independents, better security at the bus station and cheaper tickets, the NHS and Bournemouth and Poole College becoming tenants at the Dolphin Centre so bringing more people into town.

The Heritage Action Grant work, mural, museum renovation, events on Poole Quay all help too, as has the Environment Agency grant funds for flood defences which have increased confidence in investment.

The biggest change I've seen in the last five or so years has been increased numbers feeling safe enough to use the roads in the area for cycling.

With small old streets, what better way to help recruitment for businesses and bring in more customers rather than knock down historic buildings to put in dual carriageways?

Poole High Street has gradually built up a lot of clutter that needs quite a big rethink.

Rearranging benches so that they form a protective corridor for a two way cycle lane could bring back the liveliness that the road had before pedestrianisation without bringing back the cars.

With problems of bike theft, being able to keep an eye on your bike whilst you pop into the shops or work, or sit outside at a cafe is very popular in Wimborne Square, and could work in Poole too, hopefully bringing back a lot of shops to the area which Wimborne seems to attract effortlessly with it's pro cycling and walking attitude. Be interesting to know what people think, once the initial flurry of panic at any change has settled down.

Susan Stockwell

Britannia Road,
