A FIVE-year-old girl from Bournemouth has bravely donated 11 inches of her hair to make wigs for cancer patients. 

Leyla Plant from Bournemouth has cut 11 inches of her hair off to be donated to The Little Princess Trust to make a wig for cancer patients who have lost their hair. 

Her mum, Tisha Byatt, 33, has expressed a huge amount of pride in her daughter and said at no point did she show any fear and has remained excited about the opportunity. 

She said: "Her nanny was poorly recently and we were talking to her about it but we didn't say what was wrong with nanny and then we went to the hospital as well and she just saw loads of people that were sick. 

"She started asking questions about kids getting poorly and how she can help them and she saw a Tiktok video about a kid having a wig and she asked if she could do it too."

Although Tisha originally said no, she eventually allowed her to do it after she continued to persist.

Leyla also wanted to raise money to pay towards the wig and so far has raised £650 which is £50 off how much it costs the trust to make one.

Tisha said: "I was shocked and so was her dad but we're also very proud. She was ecstatic on the day. 

"There's friends and family sharing the GoFundMe link and Trafalgar Court in Mudeford where her nanny and grandad live have bingo on the complex and the people at bingo put in a few pounds each and raised over £150."

Tisha has been very grateful for the amount of support people have shown her daughter.

In reaction, Tisha has she has been inspired to do it herself but said she needs to grow it out first. 

Tisha said: "Everyone has noticed her new hair and she just tells them what she's done and she's got a little smile on her face. 

"I hope more people do it as it's a good thing."